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Post Wave Spectacular
Three plucky women, united by one man’s addictive charms, invite his latest conquest to tea. When the party becomes an intervention, this sudden sisterhood takes a turn. 

Premiere: Apprentice 10s. Directed by Amy Attaway.


Produced in the Humana Festival of New American Plays. Directed by Amy Attaway.

Photo credit: Harlan Taylor, 2010.

Iowa Buzz

It’s the Iowa State Fair, and the beekeeping competition is more venomous than ever.


Presented at 4 under 40 Festival of Women Writers, University of Notre Dame, Baltimore

Sunday Ballooning 
(a play with songs)
5 actors

The world is a mess, so how about we fly away in a hot air balloon?

Premiere: Apprentice 10s at Actors Theatre of Louisville. Directed by Will MacAdams.

Photo credit: Harlan Taylor, 2007.

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